The Special Offers Page has discounts to some of Sarasota & Bradenton's finest restaurants, museums, attractions, and other businesses & points of interest.
The offers are grouped together by category for quick scanning.
Clicking a Special Deal dynamically opens its MoreInfoPage. You
can print all the Special Offers together from this page, or print an individual coupon by clicking on that specific coupon and printing its MoreInfoPage. Take them with you - our advertisers are hoping you will!
Dynamic Links
• Clicking a coupon opens the MoreInfoPage of that business or point of interest.
• Clicking the colored category name opens the Sarasota/Bradenton Florida Directory to that category's listings page.
Print a page of all the Special Offers by clicking ‘Print
All’ in upper right-hand corner of the page heading.
This opens a separate window that is formatted for printing
on 8 1/2 x 11 paper. Close this window when
you are finished printing to avoid confusion. If you would
like to print an individual coupon, just go to its MoreInfoPage.